Sunday, June 17, 2012

Beautiful Girl And Car, New Model Stolen Gan Lulu Sexy Dress

New Model Stolen Gan Lulu Sexy Dress

{ Cars Girls Sexy Cool } A model has totally stolen the show from Gan Lulu, appearing with her “?-shaped” breasts uncovered at the recent Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao International Auto Show held in Shenzhen.

Notorious model Gan is in a sensational rise to her “fame” online for a series of her active indecent appearances. She announced to hit the Shenzhen-Hongkong-Macao auto show with a sexy dress again earlier before, but she did not appear at last.

Now, obviously the arrival of this new scantily-clad model, named Wu Xi’er (???), has brought threat to Gan. Netizens started to dub Wu “Gan Lulu #2? as well.

It was learned the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center has stopped the model to show up again the next day because of chaos she has caused. Oops!